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SAMPE Conference & Exhibition
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What are the dates and location for SAMPE 2024?May 18-23, 2024 in Long Beach, California.
When and where will SAMPE 2023 be held?The SAMPE 2023 Conference and Expo is scheduled for April 17 - 20 at the Seattle Convention Center | Summit Building, Seattle, Washington USA
Tour informationComing soon!
What are the Event Dates and Hours?Registration Hours Exhibit Hall Hours
Lost and FoundReturn lost & found items to the SAMPE Registration area in Summit Lobby. Items not claimed by the close of event will be handed over to Seattle Convention Center Security.
How do I report an emergency onsite?To contact SCC Security Control: Dial x5127 from any house phone located in the facility Dial 206-694-5127 from any phone Pick up one of the red phones located in elevator lobbies for automatic connection to SCC Security Control Ask any uniformed SCC employee for assistance SCC requests that guests NOT contact 911 directly when possible
When will we be able to register?Registration is currently open. Onsite registration is available in the Seattle Convention Center, Summit Lobby during the following hours: Registration Desk Hours
How do I access the conference program?Full conference program will be available online February 2023.
How do I make hotel reservations?SAMPE has a wide variety of hotel options available to its exhibitors and attendees. Hotel reservations can be made here.
When?Conference: May 19 - 22, 2025 Exhibition: May 20 - 21, 2025
Where?Indiana Convention Center | 100 South Capitol Ave Indianapolis, IN 46225
Can I take photos or videos of conference sessions?Photos and videos during the conference are prohibited. Only approved Press and authorized show photographers and videographers may photograph the SAMPE conference.
Where can I get a Visa Letter?You can request a Visa Letter while registering for the SAMPE Conference. After you finish registering, the Visa Letter will be available in your confirmation email.
How do I register?There are two types of registration: Attendee and Student. Different registration packages include Premium Conference, Full Conference, Exhibitor Conference, Student Full Conference, One Day Passes, and Attendee Passes. SAMPE Members: Be sure to have your SAMPE Member ID number handy. If you need help with your Member ID number, contact SAMPE Membership Services.
I’m already registered, but I can’t find my badge number. Where do I find it?You will receive a registration confirmation email from “SAMPE 2025” or with the following subject line: Registration confirmed for {[E-TITLE]} To expedite the badge printing process onsite, make sure you have access to your registration confirmation letter and proceed to the Express Badge Pick-up counter in the Registration area. If you are still waiting to receive a confirmation email, contact SAMPE Events & Operations Specialist Lauren McLean at
What do I need to do to attend an ITAR Session?Several sessions at SAMPE are restricted presentations governed by ITAR (International Traffic in Arms Regulations). To attend these sessions, attendees must bring proof of US citizenship and verification documents to the ITAR counter in the SAMPE Registration area. Your documents will be verified, and you will receive a special ITAR badge with your picture. Only individuals who have ITAR clearance from the SAMPE Registration Desk may enter an ITAR session. Visit ITAR for more information.
How can I get assistance if my question is not on this page?Visit Freeman Online for more information. Please contact our exhibits department at or +1.626.540.4116 Office Hours Monday – Friday | 7:30 AM – 4:00 PM PST
My company is exhibiting, how many badges can we get?Badge allotment is based on booths size, 10'x10' = five (5) badges 10'x20' = eight (8) badges 20'x20' = twelve (12) badges 20'x30' = fourteen (14) badges For more badges, please contact Nancy Leon, or call +1 (626) 540-4116. Instructions for Exhibitor Badge Pick-Up: Exhibitor booth personnel must be registered through the Exhibitor Registration site to identify them as an exhibitor. Badges will include a person's name and exhibiting company. Exhibitor Appointed Contractor Wristbands will be issued during move in hours. Badges will not be required during move in and move out. Registration Desk Hours
How do I register my booth personnel?Exhibitors can register at this link. Be sure to select your company from drop down menu and enter the password that was sent in your company’s exhibitor registration reminder email. You will receive a registration confirmation email: From: “SAMPE 2023” Subject Line: Registration Information - SAMPE 2023 If you have questions, please contact Registration at or 774-247-4042. Instructions for Exhibitor Badge Pick-Up Exhibitor booth personnel must be registered through the Exhibitor Registration site to identify them as an exhibitor. Badges will include a person's name and exhibiting company. Registration Desk Hours
How do I become a sponsor?We welcome the support of businesses, government agencies and other supporters in sponsoring our annual conference. Please see our Exhibitor Brochure or for a list of sponsorship opportunities. For more information, please contact Efren Pavon at or call 626-521-9450.
How do I order electrical?Elden is exclusive electrical provide for Seattle Convention Center | Summitt. Please visit Seattle Convention Center Ordering Information.
What is Material Handling?Material Handling is the service to move and store your freight from the freight docks to your booth. This service includes off-loading from the delivery truck; delivery to your booth; removing empty crates and boxes; storing the crates and boxes during the show and returning them after the show; and finally, delivery of the crates and boxes to your carrier. This service is all provided exclusively by Freeman. It is a one-time charge for incoming and outgoing. Visit Freeman Online for more information.
Exhibit Hall InformationPlease note that if you will be helping to set up your booth and arrive on Sunday April 16 to do this, please go to Exhibit Hall entrance to check in security and receive a wrist band for access to the exhibit hall. Move-In Hours Exhibitor Move In Exhibit Hours Move-out Hours Exhibitor Appointed Contractor Wristbands will be issued during move in hours. Badges will not be required during move in and move out.
How do I ship my booth materials?If you would like to ship to advanced warehouse, it must arrive to the warehouse between March 17th and April 10th to prevent additional late charges. Warehouse Shipping Address: Exhibiting Company Name / Booth # _________ SAMPE 2023 C/O Fern / Freeman 12610 Interurban Ave S, Ste 120 Seattle, WA 98168 Show Site Shipping Address: If you are shipping direct to show site shipments cannot be delivered before Sunday April 16th Exhibiting Company Name / Booth # _________ SAMPE 2023 c/o Freeman Seattle Convention Center | Summit 1715 Boren Ave. Seattle WA 918101 Shipping label for the warehouse can be found here. Shipping label for show site can be found here.
Can I take pictures of other exhibitors’ booths or products?Exhibitors are not permitted to photograph or video the exhibit or product of another exhibitor without prior approval. You are prohibited from entering the exhibit space of another exhibitor without permission from that exhibitor, and at no time may anyone enter an exhibit space that is not staffed.
How do I order lead retrieval services?All attendees will have a badge with their registration information encoded in the Bar/QR code on the badge. To retrieve this information, you must rent a Lead Retrieval handheld scanner or purchase the lead retrieval XPress Connect app from CDS. Lead retrieval scanners can be picked up on-site at the XPress Connect/CDS Lead Retrieval counter. For more information, visit XPress Connect or view here.
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