SAMPE Conference & Exhibition
Student Contest FAQ
Where do I find my registration number for my proposal?
Your bridge number is your registration confirmation number. You can find this in your registration confirmation email, and it will be an 11-digit code.
For example: Q2NN5TDDSXR
Still can’t find your registration confirmation number? Please email lauren@sampe.org.
What registration type do I need to participate in the Student Contests?
Since the Student Contests are held in the Exhibit Hall, you can purchase any registration pass that gives you access to that. You can view our registration types here.
What does the $45 fee cover for the Student Contest?
This fee is for whomever oversees registering your team (must be a SAMPE Member). This fee will cover the cost for your entire team to participate.
Note: It is $45 per category/contest.
What if I am not a SAMPE Member but would like to participate in the competition(s)?
It is required that all teams have at least one SAMPE member on their team. To become a SAMPE member, please reach out to kschacht@sampe.org.
Where do I check in for the Student Contest?
You will be able to check in for the Student Contests in the Exhibit Hall, where the contests are held.
Check in Schedule -
Tuesday, May 20: Additive & Fuselage (see Conference Program for time)
Wednesday, May 21: Student Bridge (see Conference Program for time)
I won’t be able to check in during regular check-in hours, what do I do?
Out-of-sequence check -ins will need to be communicated prior to the start of the standard check-in period. Approval of out-of-sequence check-ins will be on a case-by-case basis.
What do I need to bring onsite to check in?
You will need your SAMPE badge that you can pick up from Registration. You also will need to bring your materials to get them approved.
We are not liable for any misplaced or lost items.
Where are the winners announced?
Winners of the Student Contests will be announced at our Student Social.
Where and when is the Student Social?
The Student Social will be held on Wednesday, May 21 5:00 pm – 6:00 pm at the JW Marriott Indianapolis.
*RSVP Required. If you have already registered, you can add it on by logging into your registration and modifying it.
Student Contest Mandatory Rules:
ALL students must follow the same rules, provided on the SAMPE Student Contest page. Deviation from the rules and deadlines will result in point deductions and sometimes outright disqualification. Arguing and any other non-professional behavior directed towards, or during interaction with, the judges will result in disqualification of the offending team or individual.
Still have more questions?
Questions regarding your AM Design Summary? Please reach out to studentadditive@sampe.org for further information on your AM Design Summary.
Questions regarding the Fuselage Contest? Please reach out to fuselage@sampe.org for further information on Fuselage.
Questions regarding Student Bridge?Please reach out to studentbridge@sampe.org for further questions on your proposal.
Questions regarding Registration? Please reach out to registration@sampe.org for further questions.